
Secrets of the Buckle: a tale of Grandad’s Magic Dust

The third book in the tales of Grandad’s Magic Dust, Secrets of the Buckle, has been published by Nannie RaRa.

In the previous adventure the grandchildren found the Wibble, an imaginary creature made up by Harvey. The Wibble disappeared as they watched leaving behind the stinger.

the buzzard took it
The buzzard took it

While they were searching for the Wibble the grandchildren came across two halves of a buckle. They want to join the two halves together and enlist the help of Great Grandad who explains what they need to do.

They need the stinger from the Wibble to complete their task, but Harvey has lost it – the buzzard took it.

They find the stinger and mend the buckle; but the buckle now has properties they never expected, which leads them onto another adventure.

Secrets of the Buckle is available from Amazon, either as a paperback or an ebook.

Cover of Secrets of the Buckle

All of the tales of Grandad’s Magic Dust can be found on Nannie RaRa’s Amazon author page.

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